I took this one off a highway near my old apartment... I was standing on the bridge above it... It was on Route 99 in RI. It reminds me of the movie 'Without a Paddle'.

I like the way leaves look after rain... I don't know why; I just do. In the spring, I take TONS of wet leaf pictures...

It wasn't the wetness of this leaf that got to me... It was the color... It just looked so... 'green' and clean...

My friend's old guitar... It was just laying there.

This couple were at Lincoln woods hanging out one day like that. I wouldn't have taken their picture, but they just looked happy... They laid there for about four or five hours and all you heard was laughter and conversation... It was really nice.

I was driving by when I saw this fence... I loved the way all the chains linked... I pulled over and just looked at it for like 10 minutes straight... Just miles of linked metal.

The Providence Train Station... I was there to pick someone up and I got bored waiting so I took some pictures..

This is Slater Park in Pawtucket... I loved that it looked so scenic.

That same highway off Route '99. I didn't even pull over to take this one...

I thought this tree was dead till I saw the leaf poking out of it..

A bridge of Highway 95 in Providence...

Off that same bridge on Route 99...I took this on the same day I was taking the picture of that lake/body of water. They're doing some construction down there, and I just fell in love with the way the trees were next to all their materials and other stuff...

Some random dude fast asleep on a bench in Providence.

I have no clue... It just sits downtown Providence...Next to the Biltmore... I was bored and sitting in traffic.

I don't know if it has to do with my dad being an engineer, but I LOVE buildings... especially old ones. I could photograph buildings all day if you'd let me... Old building are gorgeous!