They've been weird... These past three weeks... A little too intense for me... Anyway, I went to the Park to unwind with Jacob today... Took a couple of pictures... I didn't process them much... Not only did I not feel like it, but I didn't think they really needed a lot of processing... It was a gorgeous day... Driving through the park, I couldn't help but think how I hadn't seen such vibrant, warm colors in such a long time... Literally vibrant enough to lift ones spirits... Although these pictures (in my opinion) do the day no real justice, I'm still posting some pictures I took...
It was just such a picture perfect day... Very beautiful... I felt almost privileged to be in the park... Everything seemed to be glowing... Everything... Really nice...


I love this picture. From where I was standing, it was almost as if the duck was swimming in water colors... It was literally breathtaking... I was quite disappointed with the picture though... It underplays the intensity of the scene.... The colors were much more vibrant... Still though..

A man and his dog... They were entertaining to watch for a while... It was cool to watch them play.. that whole 'Man's Best Friend' bond thing was more than obvious with these two...


The Original... Before I got bored and messed with Sepia.

This picture...I felt like I stumbled back in time. It was freaking surreal. This was an empty part of the park... Everything was really still and quiet... That bench was just sitting there all alone, no one sitting on it. Unlike the rest of the park, there were no screaming, running kids, or wildly barking dogs... No lovers, no families, nothing. Even the warm glow of the sun seemed to abandon it on this fine day... After a while, it just felt creepy around there, so I left.

I was driving down one of the roads in the park when I noticed a bunch of people all parked in one area, aiming their phones/cameras high up in a tree. Not to be outdone, I too parked my vehicle, and wandered over with Jacob to see what everyone was looking at. Turns out there were three baby eagles (For some strange reason, I feel the need to call them 'eaglets'... I know its wrong... I still want to though) high up in one of the trees. They were really high up, and I had to zoom in all the way (12x) to get these pictures... Still, I was hoping for a little more action from them. They mostly just sat there making loud bird sounds... Finally one of them took off in the air, but it was gone way too fast for me to get a good picture... I got an okay one though...

Okay One.
I did nothing to this picture but crop it... The sky was really that blue and cloudless... I hesitated posting this picture 'cause I felt it looks like I pasted the image of the bird on a blue background... I didn't. I wish I'd taken it from an angle we could see it full wing span... Now 'that' would have been cool.

I was at a red light when these buildings caught my eye. Usually with old buildings, I tend to focus on their structure or size, but seeing these two buildings, all I could think was how 'bold' the colors seemed... It was a dreary day and these colors just seemed to scream out at everything... You couldn't help but notice... I noticed that a lot of people also stopped to stare... Possibly something to do with the lighting of the sun that day...

Sequioya. My friend Lisa's four year old daughter... I thought she was plain adorable... You'd never know by looking at her though, what a tom boy she is... Oh.My.God... I took these pictures at a party about a month ago, and she must have gotten into fights with EVERY little boy that day.... It was quite fascinating to watch really... Horrifyingly so. lol.



Last but not least... I was driving home tonight when this car zoomed by me. When it got in front of me, I noticed something dangling from the back bumper, so I sped up to see what it was... Get this: I don't know 'where' this dude got it, but he had a large set of metal balls (as in 'nut sack') hanging from his car... LOL. They swung about as he drove too... It was THE funniest thing to watch... lol. The picture is a little blurry 'cause I took it while driving... I thought I'd catch him at a light, but dude was driving like a mad man and I lost him very quickly...

Random girl... I thought she was very pretty (I liked her hair) and asked if I could take her picture... She obliged.

A building by my home... I couldn't stop staring at it... I was VERY bored.