My son looking very tired and serious. I'm still not sure why... I took this earlier today (8/12) at the park. He was taking a break from the monkey bars so I took a quick pic. It's odd that he looks so serious because not even a second after I had taken this, he was laughing hysterically at something some kid was saying... Hmm... Definitely time for another haircut. :-)

Another picture with no rhyme or reason behind it...

This picture was not one I intended to post. There was a bed of flowers right next to where I was sitting, and I thought they looked pretty and vibrant enough to photograph. When I downloaded the pictures onto my laptop after I got home, I found myself fascinated by the folds on this particular bud (for lack of a better word...I'm not a plant person). The more I stared at it, the more fascinated I got so, I cropped the rest of the flowers out and posted just the bud... lol. Bright colors though, no? Wow.

The sun was setting and it cast this warm, bright glow on the trees around me. I thought it looked nice and 'happy', so I took a picture. :-)